Introduction, customer follow-up, win back: all our prospecting email models


Do not be discouraged ! Prospecting “in the hard” is particularly difficult and monitoring often delicate. To help you boost the efficiency of your sales prospecting by email, here are our prospecting email templates you need according to the type of contacts and action taken. To use (and personalize) without moderation, it’s a gift!

Find in this article:

Introductory emailing
Reminder emailing
Reclaiming emailing
The basics of canvassing email
In addition to identifying the right target (with their personal email and not the generic company email info@ and mastering your offer , an email template must be carefully prepared with:

A short, punchy email subject line that arouses curiosity;
A well-written catchphrase , ideally personalized, short and clear;
The first seconds of reading are the most important to capture your interlocutor;
A synthetic presentation that clearly and attractively exposes the promise stated in the subject line of your e-mail;
A call-to-action , that is to say a sentence that will encourage your prospect to take action. A clickable link, a phone number, an e-mail address … He must have the means to contact you and / or to act. Do you want to make an appointment? At the end of the message, offer a choice of dates and times and specify the duration of the meeting, or even the place. For example “In order to give you more details on the functionalities of our solution, I suggest that you meet us in your offices. Are you available next Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. or Thursday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.? ”
Your signature : it should allow your prospect to know who you are, what company you work for, and how to contact you. This signature has a double vocation:
Reassure the interlocutor of your seriousness and your legitimacy,
Allow contact
To engage and engage your BtoB prospect, your email must be short, around ten lines on average. Before sending to targets, reread it again (and again) to check that it is not faulty, you would lose your credit, then test your email with a few people.

Email prospecting templates

Now that you know the theory, how do you put it into practice? How to write an effective email that arouses the envy and curiosity of over-solicited prospects? How do you deliver successful emails when you send up to 100 prospecting emails per day? To help you and save you time, here are prospecting email templates organized according to the type of prospecting and the direction you want to take.

1st contact: introductory emailing

You only have one chance to make a good first impression. A first bad contact cannot be made up. So don’t miss this introductory email, it’s crucial. Here are several possible approaches for your first prospecting email:

1. Congratulate your target

Thanks to social networks in particular, find out about your targets and detect their recent successes for which you could congratulate them: promotion, new position, fundraising, press article … Congratulating them is an excellent way to show your interest in them .

2. Problem solving

Your product or service helps solve a problem or meet a need. Emphasize your prospect’s need and show how you can help them

3. Constructive criticism

You have analyzed the company’s website, its brochure, you have attended a conference … identifying the strengths and weaknesses that you can solve can be a profitable approach in a prospecting email.

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